Yasar: No Deportation !

A trans-woman from Turkey is threatened with deportation by the Austrian authorities !
The association "human rights" who advocated her on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Interiors messed up the asylum process !

No Deportation !


Call for action


Petition and Protest


Information on the situation of trans people at Turkey



On 14th of July we could embosom Yasar in front of the deportation prison. It was a nail-biter until the end. Ultimately it was decided that they will consider the admissibility of the new asylum application (follow-up application) and they also granted a protection against deportation for the duration of the proceedings.

Yasar has now arrived safely at home. She wants to be called "Denise" from now on and she is pleased to live her femininity. The shaking and hiding is over. In the next few weeks they will decide whether Yasar gets the chance to find permanent protection here in Austria. Until then there is still much to do.

Currently, all involved need a little rest. Please understand that we will take a little breather. With important news, of course we'll keep you all informed.

On 20th of June a very good report on Yasar was broadcast in "Thema" (ORF2, important governmental financed tv station). It's also about the situation of transgender refugees and the crude asylum system in Austria.

Many thanks to all who have contributed their efforts and solidarity to bring Yasar to freedom and to us!

Plattform Bleiberecht: Kundgebung in Innsbruck

80 Menschen bei Kundgebung für Yasar und andere von Abschiebung bedrohten Menschen in Innsbruck

Am Mittwoch, 15. Juni kamen in Innsbruck um 18 Uhr rund 80 Menschen zusammen, um für Yasar Ö und andere von Abschiebung bedrohten Menschen zu demonstrieren. Vor dem Sitz des "Verein Menschenrechte Österreich" (VMÖ) in der Innsbrucker Meinhardstraße wurde über die Situation von Yasar und die unrühmliche Rolle ihrer Tiroler Rechtsvertretung durch den VMÖ gesprochen. Die Redebeiträge, die sowohl in deutscher als auch in türkischer Sprache vorgetragen wurden, machten auch Transphobie, geschlechtsbezogene Fluchtgründe und die Nähe des VMÖ zum Innenministerium zum Thema.

Die von den drei Organisationen Demokratischer Emigrant_innenverein, Plattform Bleiberecht und ATIGF initiierte Kundgebung zog dann weiter vor die BH Innsbruck, wo noch einmal die Verantwortlichen der Abschiebung von Lamin J. benannt und kritisiert wurden. Die Teilnehmer_innen der (Wut)Kundgebungen kamen aus sehr unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen und spiegelten dabei auch jene Breite wieder, welche mittlerweile in den anti-rassistischen und anti-sexistischen Bleiberechtskämpfen in Tirol und ganz Österreich sichtbar wird.

Download: Info-Flyer zu den Kundgebungen.

Nähere Informationen finden sich in den nächsten Tagen auf der Homepage der Plattform Bleiberecht: http://www.plattform-bleiberecht.at/

Für Lamin, Yasar und alle anderen Flüchtlinge, Illegalisierte und Migrant_innen!

Für die globale Bewegungsfreiheit aller Menschen!

Für die gleichen Rechte für alle Menschen!

We want Yasar !

DEMONSTRATION: Monday, 13th of June, 06:30 p.m.

Meeting at the University :: Manifestation: Verein Menschenrechte :: Manifestation: in front of the prison Hernals

More than 300 people came to the demonstration on 13th of June. To stand up for Yasar and to fight against Transphobia and Homophobia.

On 14 June the decision will be taken whether the new asylum application is accepted. We fear and tremble. But we also have great hope: We simply have to succeed to convince the authorities that Yasar must not be sent to her death!

Demo am 13.06. Demo am 13.06. Demo am 13.06.

Yasar is on the verge of being deported. She also owes this to the previous ignorance of those who should help her and to the transphobia and homophobia. The mistakes in the previous asylum procedure are to be corrected.

We demand:

Recognition of the asylum application brought in 10th of June and consideration of the new inserted reasons for flight !

Immediate release from detention !

Thanks to the communities for the documentation of the inhumane living conditions of transgender people in Turkey. The evidence of the brutal and continuous transphobic violence by rowdies and the police give us hope, to be able to save Yasar from deportation. Google: "travesti cinayetleri"

Solidarity with the activists at Turkey who stand up for the rights of trans*, lesbians and gays and fight transphobia and homophobia.

Pembe Hayat - LGBTT Solidaritäts Verein (http://pembehayat.org)

LISTAG - Lambdaistanbul Familiengruppe

Lambdaistanbul - LGBTT Solidaritäts Verein (http://www.lambdaistanbul.org)

Kaos GL - LGBTT News Portal (http://www.kaosgldernegi.org)

Support Network for LGBTIQ refugees at Austria

ORQOA - Oriental Queer Organisation Austria (http://orqoa.at) :: Trans*SchwulenQueerBeratung in der Rosa Lila Villa (https://dievilla.at/traschq) :: TransX - Verein für Transgender Personen (http://transx.at) :: Asyl in Not (http://asyl-in-not.org) :: diskursiv (http://diskursiv.at):: planet 10 (planet10wien.wordpress.com) :: Lila Tipp - Lesbenbestärkung vom Rosa Lila Tipp (https://dievilla.at/lila-tipp) :: WSI Frauen

Pembe Hayat - Visit at the Austrian embassy at Ankara on 10th of June 2011

On 10th of June he LGBTT Solidarity association Pambe Hayat visited the Austrian embassy at Ankara to raise awareness of the situation of trans people at Turkey and to advocate for revoking Yasar's deportation.

Letter to the President of Austria, the Prime Minister of Austria and the Minister of Interior. The letter was handed over at the Austrian embassy at Ankara on 10th of June 2011.

Pembe Hayat sent this message on 10th of June:

Pembe Hayat is highly worried about the policy of the Austrian Government as regards to Yasar's deportation. We will continue to put pressure over the Austrian Government to take this decision back as this is highly against the well-being of Yasar.

Being a trans rights association in Turkey, we have been reminding European countries that trans citizens of Turkey have been facing high level of discrimination, hate crimes, violence and police brutality in a systematic way. The most frequent incidents are murders against trans in Turkey. We have to remind Austrian Government that Turkey is the first ranking country among 47 Council of European countries as regards to trans murders.

While we will continue our struggle against severe injustices in Turkey with all our motivation, we demand the Austrian Government not to deport Yasar, as this will for sure cause the destruction of her well-being.

Pembe Hayat [Pink Life], http://pembehayat.org

Yasar's message to the manifestation on 8th of June

Thank's a lot to everybody who came. Not only for me, also for those who are confronted with violence, have been killed, such demonstrations should be done. No one should die. Let's love humans as humans, let's love animals as animals. Don't we treat people like animals. Greetings to all and many thanks.

Hepsine tesekkür ederim.Sirf benim için degil, dünyada magdur olan, siddete magruz kalan insanlara, ölenlere sahip çikalim. Kimse ölmesin, insanlari insan olarak sevelim.Hayvanlari hayvan olarak sevelim. Insanlara hayvan muamelesi yapmayalim. Beni ve benim gibi insanlari destekleyen herkese kucak dolusu sevgiler.

Danke an alle die da waren !

Danke an alle die sich für Yasar einsetzen !

Mehr Info so bald als möglich !

Kundgebung am 08.06.

Aufruf zur Kundgebung am 08.06.

Yasar came from Turkey and asked for asylum at Austria in September 2009. She was abused by police and beaten by transphobic rowdys at Turkey because she is transsexual.

In a knife attack, she was seriously injured by a lung puncture, and the police refused to even accept a complaint. In consequence of the maltreatment she is blind in one eye. Yasar is also at risk of being murdered ("honour" killing) by her family because of transphobia. Yasar had to go into hiding and if her family finds her she will be assassinated. Some of Yasars close friends were assassinated in the recent years.

Yasar has lived as a woman since years. Her marital status is still male. In the living quarters she had to live with the men. But she can't fully hide her feminity. So she was exposed to the bullying by her housemates.

The association "Human Rights" ("Verein Menschenrechte") managed her case at the asylum authorities. Her application for asylum was rejected at first instance. The legal representation of "human rights" has missed to appeal and messed up the resumption of the proceedings.

On Sunday 29th May Yasar was arrested in Vienna. An attempt to prevent deportation due to Article 3 ECHR (ban of refoulement) failed.

The deportation is due to take place on 15th June 2011.

After all legal remedies have been exhausted, it is now necessary to bring the case to the public to generate as much pressure as possible. We will inform the press and also create pressure on officials.

The next visiting day for Yasar is on Wednesday 8 June, afternoon.


8th of june 2011, 17:00

in front of the prison
Hernalser Gürtel / Breitenfeldergasse, 1080 Vienna

Beeing Trans is very dangerous in Turkey. We hear of a hate crime committed on a trans-woman at Turkey almost each month.

Yasar must not be deported - it would kill her!

Sofortige Freilassung Yasars aus der Schubhaft !

Aufenthaltsrecht in Österreich für Yasar !

Solidarity with the activists at Turkey who stand up for the rights of trans*, lesbians and gays and fight transphobia and homophobia.

Support Network for LGBTIQ refugees at Austria

ORQOA - Oriental Queer Organisation Austria (http://orqoa.at) :: Türkis Rosa Tippp der Rosa Lila Villa (https://dievilla.at/traschq) :: TransX - Verein für Transgender Personen (http://transx.at) :: Asyl in Not (http://asyl-in-not.org) :: Lila Tipp - Lesbenbestärkung vom Rosa Lila Tipp (http://www.villa.at/lilatip) :: GIF - Gesellschaft unabhängiger Iranischer Frauen in Österreich (http://gifwien.com) :: planet 10 (planet10wien.wordpress.com) :: Deserteurs- und Flüchtlingsberatung Wien (http://deserteursberatung.at) :: diskursiv (http://diskursiv.at)

The Appeal is supported by:

RKL - Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (www.RKLambda.at) :: Paul Canning - LGBT Asylum News (http://madikazemi.blogspot.com) :: Pembe Hayat (http://pembehayat.org):: Jean-Pierre Garbade (Avocat, Genève) :: Trans Austria (http://trans-austria.org) :: Prof. Miroslaw Wyrzykowski (Leherstuhl für Grundrechte, Universität Warschau, Polen :: Die Grünen andersrum (http://andersrum.gruene.at) :: Im Kontext (http://imkontext.at) :: Dr. Ernst Silbermayr :: SOHO - Sozialdemokratische Homosexuellenorganisation (http://www.soho.or.at) :: MiGay - Verein zur Integration und Förderung von homosexuellen MigrantInnen (http://www.migay.at)Plattform Bleiberecht Innsbruck (http://plattform-bleiberecht.at) :: RAW - Rosa Antifa Wien (http://raw.at) :: no-racism.net (http://no-racism.net) :: Feministische Migrantinnen :: Lesbische Migrantinnen :: N.N.


Protest-Mails can be sent to:
Ministry of Interiors: ministerbuero@bmi.gv.at (Minister Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner)
Foreign Police: bpd-w-frb@polizei.gv.at (Referent Ziegler)

DOWNLOAD: Letter of Protest (RTF)

THANK YOU !! Lots of protest-mails are sent to the Ministry of Interiors and the Foreign Police. Thank you very much to everybody!

Petition an Frau Nationalratspräsidentin Barbara Prammer und die Antwort:

"Es ist dies nicht das erste Mal, dass ein Härtefall im Fremdenrecht aufgetreten ist. Genau deshalb hat sich die Präsidentin auch dafür eingesetzt, dass endlich eine inhaltliche Evaluierung des Vollzugs des Fremdenrechts in Österreich stattfinden muss, dem wurde mit Entschließung des Nationalrates auch entsprochen. Bis Herbst muss nun die Innenministerin genaues Zahlenmaterial vorlegen. Auf dieser Basis kann dann neu und erstmals systematisch diskutiert werden, wie das Fremdenrecht zu gestalten ist. Immer mit dem Ziel, eine transparente und faire Grundlage (sowohl für die Betroffenen als auch für die mit der Vollziehung Betrauten Bediensteten) zu schaffen. Ich versichere Ihnen, dass sich die Präsidentin auch weiter dafür einsetzen wird, dass diese Diskussion geführt wird."

Ein Protest-Brief von vielen:
European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT Rights - Ulrike Lunacek, MEP; Michael Cashman, MEP; Raül Romeva i Rueda, MEP



Trans-Frau droht die Ermordung :: Abschiebung verhindern (OTS)

Verein gegen Menschenrechte :: Rückkehrberatung in den Tod (OTS)


11.06.2011 - LGBT Asylum News :: In Vienna protests against removal of trans Turkish asylum seeker

11.06.2011 - Der Standard, Printausgabe :: Neuer Asylantrag letzte Chance für transsexuelle Türkin

11.06.2011 - Die Presse, Printausgabe :: Die Tortur transsexueller Türken

08.06.2011 - Kaos GL, News :: Austria preparing to remove Turkish trans asylum seeker

07.06.2011 - Der Standard, Printausgabe :: Straßburger Gericht soll Abschiebung stoppen

06.06.2011 - Kronen Zeitung :: Transsexuelle durch Abschiebung in Lebensgefahr

06.06.2011 - Radio Orange :: Yasar muss bleiben!

06.06.2011 - LGBT Asylum News :: Austria preparing to remove Turkish trans asylum seeker

06.06.2011 - SoHo: Transsexueller Frau droht Abschiebung in den Tod

06.06.2011 - Grüne: Keine Abschiebung von Transsexueller in die Türkei

06.06.2011 - Der Standard, Printausgabe :: Abschiebung trotz Mordgefahr

More information on the situation of trans people at Turkey

Documents on violation of human rights and
dangerous situation for trans people at Turkey :: PDF

Reports on hate crimes on trans people at Turkey :: PDF

Protest against transphob and homophob hate crimes
at the Turkish embassy at Vienna

Video: 14.02.2011 - Protest gegen Hass Verbrechen in Ankara

Video: 13.06.2010 - Erste Trans Pride in Istanbul

Video: 13.06.2010 - Shoe-Shine - Erste Trans Pride in Istanbul

Video: 18.05.2010 - Unangemessene Verhaftungen und willkürliche Geldbußen für Travesti in der Türkei
